Ways to Reduce Electricity Bill from your Air Conditioner

You're the biggest worry when you buy an air conditioner- How much will it increase my monthly energy bill?

You don't want to suffer the hot temperatures of summer. But you also don’t want a very high electricity bill month on month. The good news is, there are simple ways to not have a high utility bill even if you are using an air conditioner.

1. Proper Installation

This is the simplest way to reduce your air conditioner's energy bills. Incorrect installation forces your air conditioner to work harder, reducing its efficiency and durability while increasing your monthly electricity bill.

Always hire a trained service technician to install your equipment. If you hire a local handyman, chances are he won't do a good job. In the worst-case scenario, the incorrect installation will void your warranty.

2. Keep direct sunlight out of the room and insulate it.

Make certain that your AC outdoor unit is not installed in a location where it will be exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period, and that the room where the AC is installed has a comparatively low number of windows and doors through which sunlight can penetrate and make it hotter. This increases the load on your air conditioner's performance, lowering its operational efficiency.

Also, make certain that all windows and doors are closed. Warm air from outside will enter the cooling area if they are not. This forces your unit to work harder to keep the room cool, raising your utility bills.

3. Constant Use

Using an air conditioner continuously places a significant strain on the entire unit as well as its components. Turn off your air conditioner when you are not in the room or when it has cooled sufficiently. This will give the unit rest and prepare it to run efficiently when you turn it on again. It will, of course, reduce your energy bill.

4. Ongoing Maintenance and Service

When purchasing an air conditioner, inquire about service and maintenance from the manufacturer. Your air conditioner, like any other machine, needs to be serviced regularly. All components are checked during service, any dust or dirt is removed from coils. If there is an issue with oil and lubrication, that is also fixed. All tasks performed during servicing help reduce energy bills.

5. Setting your thermostat to a temperature that is too low

Summer temperatures are extremely high, with temperatures reaching 40oC in the early or late summer. If you set your thermostat to temperatures below 18 degrees Celsius, you are putting a lot of strain on your air conditioner. Normally, temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius are considered comfortable and cool. As a result, setting a lower temperature than necessary is unnecessary.

Setting the temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius will prevent the air conditioner from running continuously and will save you money on energy bills.

6. Select the most energy-efficient star-rated air conditioner.

The star rating of an air conditioner aids in determining the cooling efficiency of an air conditioner. BEE provides this star rating for customer awareness (Bureau of Energy Efficiency.)

An air conditioner has a maximum star rating of 5 and a minimum star rating of 1. A 5-star air conditioner will cool your room more efficiently than a 1 or 2 Star Rated air conditioner. Simply put, a 5-star air conditioner will cool a room faster while using less electricity than a 1 or 2-star air conditioner. 

Explore the latest collection of AC online at Bajajfinserv.in. They also provide some other benefits like-:

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Choose your best Voltas AC model which suits you the best from the Bajajfinserv.in and pay with ease of mind later.

Also, Read -  Voltas Air Conditioner – Which Mode is the Most Effective for Cooling?

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